Sunday, May 20, 2007

Chart 2, Level B-

Well, another step up the chart. Did not post earlier because I have been busy with exams and all that. I was going to post yesterday, but all of a sudden, the lights and water went off for quite a long time, so I could not do shit!

Also, last Friday night I went with some friends, (thanks for inviting me, Sandro), to watch a punk/hardcore concert in a club here nearby, called 1 in 12 club. There were some other local bands, but the main event was Discharge, a punk/hardcore band with pacifist messages, such as nuclear dissarmament. They started out in the 80's, during the Thatcher era and the Cold War. Check them out at their MySpace. Here is a picture from the concert:


The people were very nice to each other, despite of their lookings (tattoos, piercings, tomahawks and coloured hairstyles, leather clothes, ...). When they were moshing, they immediately helped out the ones who easily fell in the floor, so they wouldn´t get hurt. I have never seen that before in a punk concert. Really enjoyed myself, and ended the night playing some pool with the guys. Later!


Blogger aBiAn said...

Que tal Jay???

Por aquí te dejo un enlace al cd de Korn que querías.

La verdad es que no saco las canciones de ningún sitio en concreto, sólo me pongo a buscarlas. Y si no las encuentro las subo a zshare y las dejo compartidas para que otra gente se las pueda bajar.

Por cierto, he estado oyendote con la guitarra... y suena de la leche!! dale caña!!

Chao pescao!!


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